Reference CLI
Reference CLI is a node package that allows users to create boilerplate react files akin to Angular CLI. This is a made for react TypeScript.
ref - creates react components and mongoose models in TypeScript
ref [-c | -m] desiredName
-c, --component
Creates a react component.
-m, --model
Creates a mongoose model.
ref -c my-new-component
Creates a component with the name MyNewComponent
ref -m my-mongoose-model
Creates a mongoose model with the name MyMongooseModel
N.B. The hyphens are removed and camel/pascal casing applied to the names of files and classes. Folder names will still have hyphens.
ref either creates a mongoose model at the path src/models/desiredName.model.ts
or creates a react component in the directory src/components/desired-name/
with three files:
- index.tsx
- desiredName.tsx
- desiredName.scss
The component has that structure so that we can import it more cleanly. Instead of having to import a component like
import MyComponent from './components/my-component/MyComponent.tsx';
We can import like
import MyComponent from './components/my-component';
Which looks similar to npm module imports
import ThirdPartyModule from 'thirdPartyModule';
There is also no unnecessary repetition or any file types.
Planned Work
- Testing